Virtual Easter Egg Hunt
Congratulations to everyone that participated in the Virtual Easter Egg Hunt! Guessing is now closed, but be sure to pick up your goody bags at Gateway Church from March 29th to April 1st. To find out if you were one of our grand prize winners, tune in to Next Gen Kids Church Live on Sunday April 4th at 10am.
How to Win
- If you guess correctly, or closest to the correct number of eggs.
- All kids who guess will also be in the draw to win the ULTIMATE GRAND PRIZE.
- Everyone who guesses wins a Easter Goody Bag – times to pick up will be in your email.
- Sunday April 4th attend online to Next Gen Kids Live at 10am by clicking here The Grand Prize Winners will be announced LIVE as well as the draw for the Ultimate Grand prize!
We hear that the Easter Bunny will be here when you pick up your Goody Bags! Details will be in your email!

Next Gen Kids Church Live
Sunday April 4th @ 10am
Everyone can join in for Next Gen Kids Church Live!
Worship will be lead by the 4twelve Kids Team, a great message, grand prize giveaways & more!
Make sure you participate in the Virtual Easter Egg to win great prizes!
CLICK HERE to join us!